How to get your friend friendster password by fake login ??

Finally,I can write this tutorial..

Check this out !! and it’s very easy
1. Prepare 3 file, first log.txt (empty file), friendsterr.html (give this code), and login.php (give this code)
2. Upload file log.txt and login.php to your web host like
3. Open file friendsterr.html and you’ll find URL Login.php(CTRL+F, write URL Login.php), change with your URL Login.php that you host.

4. And then upload file friendsterr.html to your web host.
5. And if someone open file your frendsterr.html, they may be login and what they wrote will send into your log.txt file, so to know the e-mail and pass just open your log.txt URL.
6. A trick to make someone go to your friendsterr.html URL is by hidden URL, just make a picture that make pople interest to click it,and then host it, and use this code to make a link from your picture ,you can place that code in about me,or who want I meet,or when you give a testimonial.
7. Ok. That’s all. Thanks for read this tutorial, see you in thenext tutorial
The witer doesn’t responsiple for the use of this tutorial, the writer just want to share knowledge.Ok..
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